“There are places in life that seep into your soul, becoming forever a part of it.”
~Jaume Sanllorente
Hermosa Field Station Lodging and Facilities
The Hermosa Field Station is available to host programs and individual guests. Please contact us for availability and lodging/facilities-use rates:
Hermosa Field Station Office Phone: 575-322-1221
Sophia Schaffer, Program Assistant: sophia.schaffer@natural-curiosity.org
Historic Hermosa Hotel
Our hotel has of 6 bedrooms. Each room is equipped with twin beds, 4 rooms have 2 twin beds and the rest have 3 twin beds.
Mercantile Bedrooms
There are four bedrooms attached the our mercantile. 2 of them house full time staff living at the field station!
Historic Cabin
Once a post office back in the day, we have now renovated into a cabin suite for a more private stay!
Wall Tents
Want something a little more rustic? Try our awesome wall tents situated on the mountainside behind Hermosa.
Tent Camping
We have a campsite for you! Enjoy a peaceful night under the stars and amongst the willow trees.
Kitchen and Dining
Dining Room
Outdoor Dining
Classroom and Common Spaces
Common Space
The Main Street
Victorian Bathroom
Community Bathroom